Depict a future that you would like to see
Depict a past you wish had occurred
Create an interactive walk through a part of the city.
Perform an action for a durational amount of time – long
enough that the length of the action changes its meaning
Perform a piece that is measured or determined by ‘body
Create a contemporary version of a historical work – using a
historical work as readymade.
Use history as ‘readymade’
Create a performance that requires at least 10 people to
perform at once
Create an exquisite corpse online, using at least 10 people
from different cities
Create a response to a historical work of art
Depict a historical work of art in today’s cultural terms
Create an artwork that is a gift – or involves an
alternative economy
Create or excerpt a section of video and manipulate it in a
way that inverts its meaning
Take a familiar performance from an ‘every day’ context, and
do something that turns it into ‘art’
Engage with an animal in a way that presents that animal as
a metaphor for an archetypal or mythological paradigm
Create a speech act that doesn’t use words
Remake a famous video or artwork – using your own
biographical data as subject
Juxtapose – or simultaneously present - the public and the private
Do something for as long as you can until your body cannot
do it any longer.
Do something that only your body can do
Present a historical text in a contemporary manner
Have a stranger(s) tell your story
Do something socially (not morally or ethically) uncool in
public. Over an over again.
Invert intellectual labor and physical labor
Hire someone to be you as an artist
Apply political actions to your personal viewpoint
Integrate highbrow modern or contemporary art into a
contemporary pop culture context
Explore the relationship between animals and art
Re-do a performance from the 1970s or earlier – with
contemporary electronic technology
Use the art around you as a facilitator for a non-art action
Incorporate two diametrically opposed aesthetic/theoretical philosophies
Do performances based on children’s games, recontextualizing
them in a gallery or other space, with adults, and possibly with no clothes.
Reveal everything
Conduct intimate performance exchanges
Barter your artwork for the things that you need for
survival – (clothing, food, shelter)
Some books on art assignments:
Draw it with your eyes closed
Learning to Love You More, by Miranda July and Harrell Fletcher
Rob Pruitt's "101 Art Ideas You Can Do Yourself"
The Fluxus Workbook
Adam Overton's amazing performance wiki, Upload, Download, Perform
Mark Bradford's project (famous artists make art assignments for high schools students)
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